Welcome, Rangers, to VALOFE Combat Arms: Reloaded! Everyone here at VALOFE understands that change isn't always what everyone wants but we're doing our best to make this transition as smooth and seamless as possible. We are proud and humbled at the same time by the number of players that have transferred to VALOFE from NEXON. We understand pretty well how much dedication and time you all put into Combat Arms: Reloaded and we assure you that we are certainly going to make Combat Arms: Reloaded great again.
The Migration Process isn't over yet, though. Players who have not transferred to VALOFE Combat Arms: Reloaded can still transfer in order to keep your existing Combat Arms: Reloaded account data. If you still have friends or family that have stopped playing Combat Arms: Reloaded and still haven't transferred, now's the time to give them a nudge and have them migrate their accounts over to us.
Again, Rangers, welcome to VALOFE! We're glad to have you and our top priority will always be you.
[Awesome Links]
Combat Arms: the Classic Launch Campaign
VALOFE Combat Arms: Reloaded Facebook Page