Patch Notes 2021.05.26


1.Server Stability


a. Function Metal 100 pcs
b. Nightmare Respawn Token 15pcs (1 day usage)
•NOTE: MA Compensation can only be obtained on the day of MA

3. New item released (Sale Period: 05.26 ~ 06.29)

a. Horus Mystery Box
b. Horus Mystery Box x5
c. Horus Mystery Box x10
•NOTE: If you buy the x10, 1 permanent item is guaranteed.

d. Horus Gear Package (Sale Period: 05.26 ~ 06.02)
e. Horus Vest
f. Horus Helmet
g. Horus Backpack
Note 2: Equip the new gears. Play game. You can acquire weapon metals. (until ~6.29).

4. Increase the number of enhance item purchases by grade (untill ~6.29)

a. During the event, the quantity of Rare, Epic, and Legendary enhancement material items is doubled.

5. New Mode: GP Rush

a. The new mode GP Rush opened.
b. GP Rush is a mode in which GP is acquired by picking up a GP from a map.
c. When you kill an opponent, the GP he or she has drops at a certain rate.
d. Operating the device at the top of the mountain allows the GP to be transferred to a safe place.
e. GP Rush does not have a GP base reward and will earn a GP and have it as a reward.
f. GP Rush does not apply EXP/GP Boost by various GP Boosts and items.

6. GP Jackpot System

a. When you play the game, your GP Jackpot rate will accumulate up to 1000%.
b. If the accumulated GP Jackpot ratio exceeds 500%, GP Jackpot may occur when the GP Rush mode ends.
c. When a GP Jackpot occurs, the GP earned in GP Rush is multiplied by the GP Jackpot ratio, so you can get a lot of GP.
d. GP Jackpot occurs once a day.

7. Nightmare Boss changed.

a. The Nightmare boss is changed to subject X (Lv.70).
b. The more you defeat the Nightmare boss, the higher the level of the boss, and the higher the reward. However, if you defeat a boss that is lower than my boss level, the boss level will not go up.
c. Nightmare requires a dedicated response token.
d. When the boss' strength falls below 50%, the stamina gauge of the boss is displayed. If you consume the boss' stamina gauge, the boss will grow for a while.
e. Boss special weapons allow you to consume the boss' stamina gauge faster.

8. June Combat Season Event

a. Period: 6.1~6.30 (May Combat Season Event completed 5.31)
b. Blue Skull equipment can be acquired for June Combat season events.
c. You can earn rewards by gaining experience during the season.
d. Purchasing and using a Combat Pro pass within the season will help you earn rewards for the Pro pass.
e. The effect of the used Combat Process is valid for the duration of the season, and the effect ends when the season changes.
f. If you purchase and use the Combat Season EXP item, you can easily gain season experience.

9. Combat Arms Reloaded 4th Anniversary Event (Period: 5.26~6.29)

a. 4th anniversary metal, 1 in 2 minutes.
b. Exchange shop can exchange items
c. Nutshot Ranking Event started.
d. Special Weekly Quest added
e. 4th Anniversary EXP GP Boost (same weekends and weekdays)
- 400 % (5.26~6.22)
- 500 % (6.23~6.29)

10. Summer Season Starts

a. The summer season started. (from 5.26 to 8.31)
b. Seasonal Event Mode changed.
c. The event mode of the spring season is GP Rush.
d. Seasonal event mode adds a 200% EXP bonus.
e. Ranking Zone rewards paid and new season started

11. Other updates

a. June Quests Content updated
b .June EXP/GP boost, hot time rewards, daily attendance rewards updated.
c. June Premium items updated.
d. June Exchange Shop Item updated.
e. Clan Wars rewards paid and new Clan Wars season started (Period: 5.26 ~ 6.29)
f. Combat Week event removed

12. June EXP/GP Event

2021-05-26 00:00 ~ 2021-06-22 23:59 : 4th Anniversary Boost (400% EXP / 400% GP)
2021-06-23 00:00 ~ 2021-06-29 23:59 : 4th Anniversary Boost (500% EXP / 500% GP)