Developer's Briefing #28

Developer's Briefing #28


Greetings to our Combat Arms Rangers!
This is the development team leader of Combat Arms: Reloaded.
It's already been a quarter of 2021 and how are things going that you planned at the beginning of the year?
This year, we start the briefing hoping that Corona will end and everyone will return to their daily lives.

On March 31, the third and last Nightmare beta was released.
The last Nightmare was the first robot, which was mainly used for fire and physical attacks, and when the robot was blown up, a human-type boss on the plane appeared.
The human-type boss is designed to constantly avoid the players by installing auto-turrets and so on.
The sooner you get through these checks and get rid of the boss, the higher your reward will be.

In addition, the patch has been reorganized into a "combat season event" that provides a definitive reward based on play efforts.
At the same time, we changed the reward item to be more meaningful, and at the same time, we were able to receive a better reward when purchasing 'Combat Pro Pass'.
In particular, in celebration of the reorganization, you can get a new character, Melissa, that you can't get at the store as a final reward, so don't miss this opportunity.

Meanwhile, our development team is currently developing 'weekly/monthly quest' and 'character skill level-up items' for application at the end of April.
'Weekly/Monthly Quest' is designed to provide more meaningful play through mid- to long-term goals and rewards.
'Character Skill Level Up Item' will provide character skills that were only available through play through items.

In addition, we are working hard to provide fresh experiences such as new types of weapons and new modes in different ways, so please look forward to it.
The continued interest and affection of each and every one of you is of great strength to us.

We will always strive to do our best in order to bring a better game experience for everyone.
Thank you.